Welcome to Hope Elementary School!

Our office hours are from 7:30 am to 3:30pm -  M-F.  

Message from the Principal

February 7, 2025

Dear Wildcat Families, 

We just finished the first half of the school year and I cannot believe how quickly the time is passing. Thank you for spending time with us and sharing in our school community! Whether it's about learning each day, attending our family events and/or special programs, we love it when our families come together and connect at Hope School.  

We had 45 families commit to A Healthy and Great Start 2025.  The commitment meant that each family selected two ‘strategies’ to help them kick off the 2025 year with some healthy or healthier choices.   Feel free to join in by drinking more water, getting a few more minutes of sleep each night, taking a walk with the whole family, eating more fruits and vegetables, and so on… 

Recently you received report cards via email and some student achievement and growth documents charting your child’s progress on the MAP Math and Reading Assessments in grades K-6 and iStation for grades K-3.  This week we celebrated their progress via Accelerated Reading Goal Parties, Breakfast with the Boss, the Awards Assembly and In Person Attendance Highest class averages for Quarter 2, along with the most growth in Attendance between Quarters 1 and 2.  As we continue our learning journey, please know that you are a vital partner in your child’s education and it takes all of us working together to maximize learning. If you have any questions about your child’s progress, please contact their classroom teacher.    

Join us in the following events in February:  

Please follow our Facebook page Hope Wildcats and on Instagram HopeElementaryWildcats.  

Peace, Love and Hope,  

Sherri Hatley, Principal

T-Shirts, Hoodies, Hats and more.

Click HERE for our Hope Elementary Gear. 

 Spring Sale 20% off, promo code: SPRING25

Hope Wildcat Family Resources

See Tell Now

Hope School and all our district’s schools will use the See Tell Now alert system to report any kind of anonymous tip regarding safety, harassment, bullying, etc. This can be accessed at: https://seetellnow.org/ or by calling 888-593-2835

School Meal Program 

It is very important for our families to fill out a free/reduced meal form either online or via a paper form that will be sent home the first day of school.  This program could possibly help offset your cost for eating meals at school, and also help provide funding to our school for important programs such as reading and math support.


Check out our District Enrollment Information Webpage.

Please follow our Facebook page at Hope Wildcats and on Instagram HopeElementaryWildcats.